Thursday, March 3, 2011

Before America

I was just a normal and contented laid-back girl with a simple life who dreamed of coming to America, but never thought that I'd realized the dream almost in an instant.

Way back in the Philippines, everybody's giving it a try, betting their whole fortune just to be in America. It seems that America is the answer to everybody's life long dreams and ambitions. Everybody wants to live the American dream. Everybody is just thinking of coming to America. I on the other hand was just thinking of maybe going to America for a vacation when I have the money. Sure I thought of working in America to give my family a good life, but I never thought I could be in America to settle for good.

Before America, there I was living a life just like every Filipino. Eight-hour a day job, satisfied with an average salary, happy to have sweet affordable fruits all around, unlimited time to party and waste away without having to worry about tomorrow. Life was just so simple.

In this blog I'm going to share my life experiences since the moment I stepped in this land. From time to time I will be sharing and comparing happenings that are only found in America as compared to what is normally done in the Philippines. This blog will be my diary for this unsought and unexpected American Dream.

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