Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Thing About The Weather

There's not a day that I don't hear somebody care about the weather. It is always about the weather. Well, at least in California.

When I was new in America, I didn't think about the changing weather conditions. I didn't think that looking at the temperature or watching the weather channel was relevant. I thought that when its Winter, its winter all the way throughout that season, and so on and so forth. There was one time during spring last year, the weather was already setting at the low 90's, we were bound to attend a car auction at the Alameda and here comes Kara who put on a shorts and a shirt without thinking, I wasn't guilty because the sun has started to show up already, I had no clue. Alameda turned out to be 55 degrees, the cold was biting but I had no choice. I felt so stupid, everybody was staring at me with judgmental look on their faces. Well, what can I do? Weather was the least of my priorities you know! Unfortunately my husband didn't remind me of bringing a jacket, and I didn't think twice to mind why everybody is putting on a sweater. I guess I could just blame it all to stupidity.

One year after, here comes spring again, tricking everybody about its weirdness. I could say that this weird weather condition is brought about by the change of times to be honest. One day it was freaking hot, the next day you would want to put on your puffer vest. One day it is nice and warm, the next day it is windy and rainy.

For a boring person like me who is just work and home most of the time, the weather is the least that I care about. For most Californians however who believes that the cost of living in this golden state includes the price of a better weather, it just makes sense to care about it. It is not fun to have a cold and rainy weather on a weekend, especially when everyone is planning to have a barbeque in the park, play golf, or go surfing in Santa Cruz. Yes, I guess it is always about the weather. It could make or break your day. Errands or play, weather I guess matters.

I am glad that now I know how to check the weather. I would still go for whatever weather though, the cold is not that bad, the heat is not that bad, and the rain here that they term as "STORM" - is a big joke, its nothing like the rain in the Philippines where in minutes you would hear wild thunder and lightning and expect flood at the end of it. I guess that's why they say, BUT THIS IS CALIFORNIA?!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Convenience: Online Shopping

When I came to America, I started a little business where I'd buy USA products in online sites and then send it to the Philippines to sell. It was actually doing pretty good, until I got a full time job and I couldn't focus on it anymore. It died a natural death because that kind of business really needs time, I have to upload photos so that my resellers could see the product in advance and then on top of that I have to compare prices too. So I stopped.

So it started on a business sense, but then as I was doing online shopping on a day-to-day basis that it made me too comfortable on making online purchases. The convenience of it made me eventually do almost majority of my purchases online, I wouldn't mind doing it that way if I could because that would really save me time and gas, though I am missing a great deal on some walking exercises right there, if you know what I'm saying. Did I tell you that I have an ongoing room makeover project and I have a long list to accomplish in order to make that happen? The first and only thing that I accomplished on the list is the blown-up couple photo on our wall, and that's just about it. I have to move on!

Right now I am actually searching for little furniture to put in the room, as I have a long way to go on this room makeover project. I noticed that I am missing out something in my list because I definitely need night stand lamps. Now that my husband comes around two in the morning from work, I would definitely need one in my room instead of just letting the television on and put it on mute. The night lamp of course would go with a cute night stand. Two additions in my long list, and I am really in doubt as to when I am going to accomplish this! There are just a lot of nice and affordable stuff online and I am itching to buy them all! I couldn't avoid it if I go a little overboard and consider other unnecessary things for the house like a cute kitchen step stool chair and red panel ready refrigerators! I am literally one click away from all of these and I am holding my breath, I need self-control please!

The good thing about online shopping that I like too is that most sites offer free shipping and free returns, and sometimes they don't charge sales tax. It is really that tempting...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Picking Up Some Accent

After 16 months in America, I notice that I have the right to at least agree a little bit to the compliment, "why I can't tell that you are Filipino! You don't have the accent!"... Okay?

Believe me, I still do have this very unique accent, people in America are just being nice, as usual. I was creating my voicemail greeting yesterday so I get to listen to myself carefully, and though I have picked up a little bit of the American accent, I still can tell for myself that I could only be mistaken for a Filipino!

Let's give this a couple more years and let us see where this would take me, accent-wise.