Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chips for Lunch

Still on my first week at work, being in an all new location in what seemed to be like a completely different world, I decided to try to bring chips and just bought me a Mocha Freeze at the gelato place nearby and I was off with my lunch.

I had lunch under this beautiful shade...

Trees in America are just so adorable, they are all beautiful and so inviting to the eyes. First few weeks I was here I fell in love with cherry blossoms that I wanted to have one in the garden at home - but then, it was winter. Spring is currently kidding everybody as it still gets cold from time to time, but I bet I could make the cherry blossoms my project at last, if only not for the flowers popping out from everywhere in the garden.

Anyway, here is how my lunch looked like...

Lately, my tummy has been getting used to the idea of just eating chips or a slice of cake for lunch, and surprisingly it doesn't complain! This is a good sign, I could just pack me a sandwich and a little side dish everyday - no sweat - and I'm good to go for my lunch, I'm glad this is working for me because to be honest, bringing lunch to work is way too economical! I just have to make sure that I eat heavy breakfast, preferably with rice so I could avoid passing out!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mr. Pickle's Sandwich for Lunch

So I was recently accepted in a part-time job in a cozy place, and thinking about lunch is the last thing that I would want to bother myself with. Across where I work, there is a Mr. Pickle's sandwich shop where people in Los Gatos are crazy about. Yesterday I had a slice of cake and a glass of mocha freeze and I paid $10 inclusive of sales tax for lunch, and for a Filipino what I had was not even lunch at all! So today I decided to try to have at least a decent lunch that is worth my every dollar. Sure enough I had it when I bought some unexpectedly huge American tuna sandwich at Mr. Pickle's for almost $7.

Working 24 hours a week and spending an average of $10 for lunch is not good based on my level of lifestyle in terms of what I could afford! Plus I couldn't help myself from converting my expense to Philippine Peso!

I could probably prepare a regular sandwich which I'll bring with me at work for lunch and just buy me a drink in that little cozy gelato place - PLAN. Mr. Pickle's is a good choice but it is way beyond what I should be spending, I have to be practical in here. Again, this is America, I mean, food is affordable at the rate I am earning but I couldn't just afford the luxury to spend that much for lunch!

I am still in the lookout though for a restaurant around Los Gatos that serves rice.